Envision a situation like this: A complex, deceitful phishing scheme targets a major financial institution. The perpetrators utilize emails created by artificial intelligence (AI) that closely resemble the company’s internal communications. The emails contain harmful links crafted to steal employee credentials, which the attackers could exploit to access company assets and data for mysterious purposes.
The entity’s AI-driven cybersecurity solution, which constantly monitors network traffic and user behavior, identifies several irregularities linked to the attack, prohibits access to the suspicious domains network-wide, isolates the phishing emails, resets passwords for all potentially compromised accounts, and dispatches real-time alerts to the security operations center, furnishing detailed information on the attack method and impacted systems.
The heroes emerged victorious. Yet, was the AI solution a worthwhile investment? What monetary worth did that triumph hold? Assessing the expenditure on AI is straightforward. But gauging the return on that investment poses a challenge. Precisely, how can you quantify the worth of data never pilfered, unrealized reputational harm, customer trust unbroken, or diminished operational risks?
The ascent of AI cybersecurity
Explore AI cybersecurity solutions
New benchmarks for ROI assessment
These benchmarks furnish a more extensive perspective on the returns derived from AI-powered cybersecurity investments, enabling organizations to make more informed decisions regarding resource allocation and strategic planning.
Adopting a holistic outlook on cybersecurity AI ROI
- Mean time to detect
- Mean time to respond
- Security operational efficiency
- Threat intelligence accuracy
- Compliance adherence rate
A continual evolution in cybersecurity investment